NEBACH: At An Upper West Side Synagogue, Liberal Jews Gather To ‘Sit Shivah’ Following Trump’s Win

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On Wednesday evening, members of B’nai Jeshurun synagogue on Manhattan’s Upper West Side gathered in somber reflection.

They were sitting shivah. For real.

You can’t make it up.

JTA reports that what had originally been planned as a post-election prayer event took on a mournful tone after Donald Trump’s election victory was confirmed the previous day. “Senior Rabbi” Roly Matalon opened the gathering, describing it as a symbolic shivah, a space to collectively process the grief many felt in light of the election results. Approximately 100 people attended, including members and guests, greeting each other quietly with looks of disbelief.

B’nai Jeshurun is a self-described “non-denominational Jewish synagogue.”

“I feel as though I’m in mourning,” said Joel Soffin, 79, according to JTA. Referencing the tradition where one refrains from greetings during the early stages of shivah, he remarked, “That’s where I am right now.”

B’nai Jeshurun’s leadership had planned the prayer service well in advance, intending it to be a space for reflection regardless of the election outcome.

With Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed, the evening took on a solemn mood.

Also in attendance was Rep. Jerry Nadler, recently reelected to Congress to represent the district. He referenced Tehillim 137, saying, “‘By the rivers of Babylon, we sat and wept…’ This country now feels like unfamiliar ground.”

After the service, attendees joined small discussion groups, exchanging feelings of shock and disappointment.

JTA reports that one participant, Debra, 71, expressed worry about the potential undoing of years of advocacy for reproductive rights. She balanced her concern with hope, describing how her young granddaughter was moved to write a petition advocating for Harris, signaling a new generation’s desire for change.

In closing, Matalon acknowledged the need to reflect before looking to the future. “There will be a time after shivah to organize and strategize,” he said, “but right now, we sit together in our grief.”

As they say, you can’t make this stuff up.



  1. On the one hand this is funny on a perverse, twisted level. On the other hand, I wonder how many of these desperately misguided people sat symbolic shiva for the twelve hundred of our brothers and sisters who were savagely and cruelly murdered on Simchas Torah last year.

  2. That’s what happens when there is no attachment to Torah. Their values become upside down. No wonder that Nadler shaygatz is one of them. Nebech on them.

  3. Erev rav. The worst of the rishaim, who will be from the 4/5th who don’t make it out. They won’t be allowed into the taiva.

  4. Pathetic….absolutely pathetic people.
    These far left looneys are great in that they drive the people in the middle all the way to the right like we saw what happened in the democratic party.
    Let them sit there the whole year of mourning…..hilarious.

  5. Not disgusting, pathetic.
    Note that all those mentioned are of an age that’s more easily rounded to 100 than to 50. These are people who are truly lost and entrenched in nonsense.
    How proud would that grandmother be today had her granddaughter been aborted before she got a chance to live? But there’s no way to convince these people.

    I’ve long stated that Democratcy (the belief in the Democrat party, not to be confused with Democracy) requires a certain amount of lunacy…

  6. instead of sitting “shiva” they should study the exact definition of democracy
    and if they don’t like it they should go and look for a nicer place to live.

  7. hahahahaha
    i was really in a bad mood till now.
    this made me laugh!!!
    thank you Hashm for creating weirdos!
    Everything Hashm created truly has a purpose.
    shavua tov from yerushalayim

  8. there’s a chazoka that a reform member with a jewish name is a goy. with 90% intermarriage, the father was jewish, but not the mother.


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