Thousands gathered on Thursday to pay their respects at the levayah of Tuvia Simcha, who was tragically killed in a terrorist shooting near the tunnels checkpoint along Route 60, just outside Yerushalayim.
The levayah began at the Shamgar funeral home in Yerushalayim, continuing past Yeshiva Pnei Menachem on Rechov Yosef Ziv before reaching the bais hachaim for kevurah.
In an emotional farewell, Tuvia’s father shared his deep sorrow, lamenting the heartbreaking reality of burying his son before he had even purchased Tefillin for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah. “The goy who murdered him was not interested in where the boy came from and where he was going. He just knew that he was a Jew. Let us understand that and try to maintain good relations between us, to be careful not to harm, to respect one another,” he said.
Tuvia’s younger brother spoke with a heavy heart, describing the close bond they shared. “My dear brother, you were the best brother. We did so much together, and my heart aches terribly. I ask that you daven for me and for the entire family,” he said in his tearful eulogy.
Tuvia’s melamed reflected on his talmid‘s thoughtful approach to learning, sharing how Tuvia always sought a deeper understanding of his studies. He expressed hope that Tuvia would serve as an advocate before Hashem, davening for his parents, friends, and all of Klal Yisroel, and for an end to tragedies and attacks on Jews in Eretz Yisroel.
Rav Mordechai Alter delivered a stirring eulogy, describing Tuvia as a korban tahor, a pure sacrifice. Lifting his hands toward the heavens, he invoked the Sukkos tefillah: “Hosha na, save us Hashem. How many sacrifices we have offered this year…how many children have been orphaned, redeem Your holy flock.”
{Matzav.com Israel}