AT THEIR MAX: Israeli Hospitals Overburdened Due to Omicron Wave

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As the Omicron coronavirus variant runs rampant across Israel and officials worry of a surge in hospitalizations, the country’s medical centers are already ringing the alarm, as they find themselves already overwhelmed with patients, Ynet reports.

“Our six internal wards are already packed, we’re talking about a 150% occupancy and there are departments where it is even higher,” says Prof. Masad Barhoum, head of Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya. “We’ve turned all the dining areas into inpatient rooms. That is no way to treat patients.”

Asked what is behind this rise in patients, Barhoum said it was mainly seasonal ailments such as the flu, bronchitis and pneumonia among older people.

Israel on Sunday reported an alarming spike in flu cases recorded in the past few weeks.

The Health Ministry since the start of this winter some 1,088 people have been hospitalized with flu, of whom 401 are children and 70 are pregnant women.

Director of Internal Medicine at Rambam Health Care Campus Dr. Eyal Brown reported a similar struggle with overcapacity. “Rambam is currently treating three coronavirus patients, two of them are connected to a ventilator. Most of the patients at the hospital are due to seasonal ailments, both in internal medicine and pediatrics,” he said.

Brown stressed that despite the high number of patients, there is a stark difference between those who are ill with coronavirus and those with the flu.

“Flu patients are pretty much the same, a drop in their respiratory ability, but most of them get better within a day or two,” he said. “On the other hand, coronavirus patients can deteriorate very quickly and be hospitalized for a long time.” Read more at Ynet.

{ Israel}


  1. What is this??? The headline talks about overcrowding due to Omicron, and the body of the article talks about that this is due to the seasonal flu!!!?? Trying to scare people to take the vaccine??

  2. Overburdened with removing empty beds from those who died after being killed from the injection. Hospitals are basically empty. Most with flu-like symptoms, aka omicron, rather cure themselves at home than go to the slaughterhouse.

  3. the title of this article is misleading and not consistent with the article. the article says the hospitals are overwhelmed from flu and bronchitis, but the title says that they are overwhelmed from omnicorn.

  4. For anybody that reads this article thoroughly, it is clearly obvious that the title of the article is absolutely and purposefully misleading! The first two paragraphs imply that the influx of patients to hospitals in Israel are Omicron patients. However, it is clear from the third paragraph on that the real reason for over capacity in the hospitals is due to Flu, Bronchitis and Pneumonia; NOT Omicron. There is just a fear of what could potentially happen.

    However, in truth, this is Leftist Fear Propaganda at its best. All data collected on the Omicron virus thus far determines that this version of Covid-19 is severely less lethal than previous versions. One look at on Israel reveals that while the rate of Infected Patients of Omicron is rapidly going up, death rates and sever cases have actually dropped. Don’t trust me. Look for yourselves.

    Also, note that all FEAR MONGERING News Sites mention how many people have become infected with Omicron, but they never mention how many people have been hospitalized as a result. Also, most sites purposefully hide the fact that a high percentage of vaccinated people have contracted this version of Corona; more than unvaccinated people. (I state this as a person that has taken 3 Pfizer vaccines and am not an anti-vaxxer)

  5. Matzav Heading: “AT THEIR MAX: Israeli Hospitals Overburdened Due to Omicron Wave”

    What the article says: “Asked what is behind this rise in patients, Barhoum said it was mainly seasonal ailments such as the flu, bronchitis and pneumonia among older people.”

    Let’s at least TRY to be honest?


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