Attorney General Barr Resigns

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Attorney General William Barr will step down from his position in the coming days, leaving the Trump administration about a month before Joe Biden‘s inauguration.

President Trump announced Barr’s decision on Twitter, saying that the two had a “very good” relationship and praising Barr for doing an “outstanding job.” Trump had sharply criticized Barr in recent days.

Barr plans to leave the Justice Department on Dec. 23, according to his resignation letter.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Sad day for democracy! He was a super great public servant who did the office great honor. Another disappointment. I wish the president leaves office with a prestigious legacy to be proud of. He should not besmirch it now.

  2. I’m guessing that the “deep state” made Barr (and anyone else that has the power to blow this all open) that if they just resign and get out of Dodge, they will let them and their families live. Sounds like “an offer you can’t refuse “…

  3. Barr did his job well and is not up to prosecuting. He will resign now that they are unsealing the indictments before the Deep State has a chance to dig up some dirt on him and discredit him.

  4. Barr resignation complains of “resistance” to Trump presidency amid Trump’s continuing effort to hold onto that presidency despite losing the 2020 election. Maybe the resisters recognized something that eluded the hyper-partisan Barr? David Frum

    • She is not my goddess. She will be a VP like many others. I don’t care who is the head of the goyim, anyone they pick is fine with me. On the other hand, why are you so involved?


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