Avi Berkowitz to Replace Jason Greenblatt

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Avi Berkowitz, who serves as White House adviser Jared Kushner’s assistant in the White House, will receive most of the responsibilities of outgoing US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Dov Greenblatt, Arutz Sheva reports.

Berkowitz, a native of Lawrence, is an alumnus of Yeshiva Derech Ayson of Far Rockaway and Yeshiva Kol Torah. He is a Harvard grad.

Greenblatt announced his resignation on Thursday. In a statement, the White House said Greenblatt had originally planned to serve in his role for two years, but stayed on longer as the roll-out of the peace plan was continuously delayed. He will remain in his position until after Israel’s September 17 elections. Berkowitz, 30, assisted Kushner during President Donald Trump’s election campaign, and later in the White House.

Berkowitz met Kushner by chance during a Pesach vacation both men happened to spend in Arizona, Arutz Sheva reports.



    • “Berkowitz, a native of Lawrence, is an alumnus of Yeshiva Derech Ayson of Far Rockaway and Yeshiva Kol Torah.”

      Both are very chashuva Yeshivos. What’s a matter with you?

  1. Woooo. Not bad. A frum normal guy in the White House. I wish him Hatzlacha in looking out for Eretz Yisroel’s best interests.

  2. To me he looks mighty inexperienced to be handling such a major task upon which the president has pinned so much of his legacy! No?


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