Barr To Self-Quarantine Despite Negative Tests

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Attorney General William Barr will self-quarantine for several days out of caution, a spokeswoman said on Sunday.

Barr, who has tested negative for the coronavirus, has remained at his home since attending a meeting at Justice Department headquarters on Friday.

All four of Barr’s coronavirus tests since Friday have come back negative, Justice Department spokesperson Kerri Kupec said. But she said the AG plans to self-quarantine for several more days.

Barr was at the Sept. 26 Rose Garden ceremony for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett with several attendees, including President Trump, who later tested positive for coronavirus.

Read more at NY Post.



    • He has what? NOBODY has it and certainly NOBODY died from it. People might have the flu, some cough or weakness but NOBODY has this new coronavirus hoax.


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