Battling the Teacher Shortage with Torah Umesorah

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‘3rd-grade rebbi? Come on, you can do better than that!’

‘Chinuch? Are you sure that’s a good use of your talents?’

Today, our mosdos are bursting at the seams. 

Classrooms are overflowing, and the voices of children learning resonate far and wide. It is with growing consternation, therefore, that we witness the diminishing number of qualified and skilled mechanchim—rebbeim and teachers who hold the key to our children’s ruchniyus and enable their success in both limudei kodesh and chol.

Yungeleit and seminary graduates who consider entering the classroom are subject to disparaging comments, negative vibes, and an overall attitude of ‘you can do better.’ 

As parents, we all want the best for our children. Would you settle on second-best for a pediatrician? Would you take a ‘good enough’ for a brain surgeon? 

…Do you want your children’s teachers to be teaching ‘as a fallback option?’

For my child’s chinuch, I want the very best in the field. The rebbi who will set my son alight with the joy of Chumash. The morah who’s passion will echo in my daughter’s recitation of Tehillim. The  teacher who can build them, cherish them, and set them up for a lifetime of learning. 

Torah Umesorah is constantly battling to reverse this dangerous downward trend. Through groundbreaking initiatives like Aish Dos, which provides professional training and mentorship for aspiring rebbeim, and Sheifa, an innovative program for seminary-aged girls to explore and excel in teaching, the organization is working tirelessly to reignite the passion for chinuch.

You can help put these star teachers where they belong–in your child’s classroom.

Mark your calendars: December 22-23
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