Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro called Monday for U.S. synagogues to “have at least an armed guard, and several qualified people with firearms” following the weekend stabbing of five people in Monsey, New York.
“Seeing some heartburn over guns in synagogues to protect worshippers. Get over it,” Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, wrote to his 2.4 million followers on Twitter.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said over the weekend the attack was “an act of domestic terrorism.”
Read more at The Hill.
Maybe some shuls should have armed guards for those who don’t feel safe without them but for the time being I’m willing to take the risk of davening in a shul with easy entry. I don’t want the expense or difficulty of getting into a shul with an armed guard.
Most European countries have armed guards in front of the shuls but I can’t imagine every small time shteibal there does. Also I know people who were in Europe that had tremendous difficulty in going to shul there because of the security.
Perhaps a better option would be that shuls should have combination locks outside with easy access to the combination for frum people.
#1-#2 Unless you go to shul once in a blue moon, you shouldn’t have any difficulty passing an armed guard in front of the shul. And there should be another guard inside every shul.
#3 A number lock for frum people? It wouldn’t take more than a few minutes for a murderer/terrorist to get a hold of that number just by watching others enter it.