The Biden administration in recent days has told Israel not to approve any new West Bank settlement construction during an upcoming meeting of the panel that approves building projects there, Channel 12 news reports, according to Times of Israel.
According to the network, the message was relayed by at least three American officials to senior figures in Yerushalayim. An unnamed source quoted in the report says the White House condition US President Joe Biden’s scheduled trip to Israel on there being no announcements of new settlement construction.
It’s more important for Joe to defend a “woman’s” right to murder her baby. He purposely chose an open LGBTQ press secretary. Joe is destroying the very fabric of this Nation.
we WILL approve new settlements and YOU Mr. POTUS can stay home..
It’s mind-boggling how posters, like you and others, comment on fake news or even read about a fake president president with a fake administration concocted by the media.
Go back to your bunker.
I think they should go ahead and announce new construction and it will be a win-win situation – they will be able to build badly needed housing units and they can avoid a visit by Mr. Biden to the Holy Land.
dialogue with the US administration in recent days ahead of the expected announcement of the Supreme Planning Council convening a building permit in Judea and Samaria in the coming days, has received a message from the White House in recent days.
According to the report in “N12”, the message was conveyed in talks between at least three different American officials and senior officials in Israel recently, and according to one source, the White House even conditioned President Biden’s visit to Israel next month on no new announcement of construction in Judea and Samaria.
According to the agenda of the MNA, which will convene next week, is expected to approve about 4,000 housing units in Judea and Samaria, including the ultra-Orthodox localities, Givat Zeev, Emanuel and Beitar Illit.
It is important to note that the move to approve construction in the territories also has political implications, and was set as a condition for the continued existence of the government by some members of Prime Minister Bennett’s right-wing party to record political achievements within the fragile coalition, with the convening of the upcoming summer conference.
Mr. Biden – STAY HOME – You’re USELESS in America and even more USELESS in Israel
……….And Bottle Cap will do as his U.S. Master tells him to do.
This is all this White House can say on the heels of all the terror: within 24 hours of 3 brutal hatchet and ax killings!
Mr. President, your administration IS the problem! You and your mentor, Mr. Hussein, are awful people!
Israel can readily agree to not Approve Any New Settlement Building, since Begin declared that no area of Israel is a settlement. Any new building approvals are approvals of Israeli land expansion, no different than expansion and development elsewhere in the world in the cities of countries.