Biden Approval Rating Slips In AP Poll

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President Biden’s job approval rating has slipped to 50 percent in the latest Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll as he faces mounting criticism over his handling of issues including the military withdrawal from Afghanistan and the thousands of Haitian migrants at the Southern border.

The survey, conducted from Sept. 23 to Sept. 27, found that roughly 49 percent of American adults disapprove of Biden’s overall job performance a little more than eight months into office.

The approval rating marks a drop from the 54 percent measured in an August AP-NORC poll, and 59 percent in July.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Joe is a natural born leader. As someone who fought alongside him in Vietnam and Cambodia, I can testify to Joe’s toughness and take no prisoners. Slumping polls won’t stop or deter Joe from carrying out his plan. Not even my pores and pockmarks. He’s a maverick.

  2. Biden’s rating cannot slip further than when it started. It started with zero. He never won anything. All results were manipulated to his favor. Not one parade, rally or assembly had more than 10-paid people for Biden.

    • Good point. During his campaign, he never came out of his basement or did any interviews. The DNC is so pathetically corrupt. What’s more troubling is that so many millions of voters went along like blind sheep and voted for the creep.

      • Millions of voters voted for Biden? Are you kidding or just sleeping? Even if you say 100 people voted for him, it’s an exaggeration. Don’t you know that the elections for decades have been manipulated and the one installed as president was the CIA’s doing? Don’t you remember how Hillary MSRIH cried how it was her turn when they couldn’t install her as President because she ended up only with 10% of the votes? Biden’s votes were completely made up. Seriously, which person voted for him?


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