Biden Makes Rosh Hashanah ‘Cheshbon Nefesh’ Plea: What Type Of World Do We Want?

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US President Joe Biden issued a greeting to the Jewish community on Sunday, a day ahead of Rosh Hashanah, wishing those who celebrate “a year of health, healing, and progress.”

Biden noted that the High Holiday period, which begins with Rosh Hashanah on Monday evening, commands “those who celebrate to pause, look inward, and reflect on the past year. It is a time to undertake an inventory of the soul, a cheshbon hanefesh, and to ask of ourselves and of each other questions that go beyond our own individual faiths: Who do I want to be? What type of nation do we want to forge? What type of world do we want to create?”

The US president, who is marking the first Rosh Hashanah since he took office in January, said the Jewish new year is “a reminder of our infinite capacity to transform our lives and begin anew.”

He noted the opportunity “to rebuild our communities through empathy, acts of kindness, and compassion. To seek repentance, or teshuva, when we have fallen short of our values. Rosh Hashanah is a reaffirmation that we are each endowed, by virtue of our Creator and our common humanity, with the ability to bridge the gap between the world we see and the world we seek.”

Read more at Times of Israel.



    • >>> Maybe he is Moshiach.

      That gives me a great idea. Let’s have an election for Moshiach: campaigning, primaries, runoffs, and a Cheshvan election. Then, whoever wins, gets thrown under the bus. Which seems to be the style of the day.

    • >>> Don’t you just hate it when non-Jewish people tell us about our religion on how to practice it?

      Actually, it’s freaky when they get the words right. Which Biden did (or he has a great ghostwriter). But it’s like Shabbat: it belongs to b’nei Yisrael, and if a member of umos ha’olam tries to shomer shabbat kihilchato, the result is not good.

  1. As extremely terrible that Joseph Biden is, this Rosh Hashana message that he announced is a very GOOD thing that he did. The words themselves are very correct and beautiful.

  2. First we had our “singers” provide chizuk. Now it is the POTUS that took over. Doesn’t anyone have a Rav anymore? Sad.


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