Biden Withdraws US Support From Saudi-Led Coalition Against Houthis

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US President Joe Biden announced in his foreign policy speech on Thursday that the US will no longer support the “offensive operations” in the Yemen war, his National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said.

The announcement appears to amount to an end of US support for the Saudi-led coalition against the Yemeni Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Sullivan said that Saudi Arabia, as well as the United Arab Emirates, had already been briefed on the decision and understood the new situation at hand.

He also stressed that the move will include the operations against the Yemeni branch of al-Qaeda terrorist group.

Read more at i24NEWS



  1. “foreign policy” – ask Robert Gates from the obama administration who said biden always got it wrong in foreign affairs. biden just wants to stick it to the former President – biden backpedaling on everything, signing everything – no strategy except china

  2. foreign policy – ask Robert Gates of the former obama admin – biden is a failure at foreign policy. biden has TDS and is just backpedaling on anything and everything Trump has done. No strategy except kowtowing to china (and Iran).

  3. President Trump will be’ez”H be back in about a month. In the meantime Biden the clone is fooling the sheeple with his “presidency”. LOL! He has zero% power and no military.


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