BIDEN’S AMERICA: Milwaukee In Grip Of Worst Violence In Modern History

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Milwaukee is in the grip of the worst violence in its modern history. There were 189 killings here last year, a 93% increase from 2019 and the most ever recorded.

The jump reflects a nationwide trend. In one study, researchers from the nonprofit Council on Criminal Justice looked at 34 cities and found that 29 had more homicides last year than in 2019. The overall rise was 30%, though in most places killings remained below their peaks in the 1990s.

Among the 19 cities with more than half a million people — including Los Angeles, New York and Chicago — none saw a bigger surge than Milwaukee. With 127 killings through the first half of September, the city is nearly on pace to match last year’s record. Hughes was the 78th person killed this year.

The uniformity of the nationwide rise has launched multiple theories about what is driving it. Nearly all center on the pandemic — which has caused enormous hardships — and the mass movement against police brutality and racism, which changed policing and the relationship between law enforcement and communities where violence has long been concentrated.

Did a society on edge, with schools closed, social programs shut down and people cramped up at home, simply become more violent? Were more people carrying guns? Did police retreat in a way that emboldened criminals? Experts say it could take years to unravel those questions, but the toll of the fallen has struck hard in neighborhoods across the country.

Read more at Yahoo News.



  1. The crime stats are from 2020 Biden wasn’t president then. The article basically says that this year is going equally bad. “With 127 killings through the first half of September, the city is nearly on pace to match last year’s record.” LOL

  2. Joe Biden is correct. White supremacy is thee greatest threat facing this Nation. Blacks in Milwaukee are petrified to leave their homes to go commit crimes because they fear a white supremacist male wearing a MAGA hat might be lurking in the shadows. We have a serious growing WHITE problem in this country and if we don’t get a handle on it quickly, we may just dissipate as a Nation. We must start to round up all middle class white males and throw them in reeducation camps. Only then will we possibly achieve racial justice.

  3. Actually, this is Obama’s America. He is the one who let the dogs out. Biden cannot find his was around the White House, and forgets the names of world leaders and of his own staffers. He didn’t make this happen, but allows it to continue.


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