An executive order signed Thursday by President Joe Biden allows for cities to be reimbursed fully for certain kinds of emergency housing for homeless people until Sept. 30, 2021, reports The San Francisco Chronicle.
The order could prove beneficial for San Francisco, which has one of the highest homeless populations and spends between $15 and $18 million to house more than 2,200 people in about 25 hotels, according to the news outlet.
San Francisco City Controller Ben Rosenfield told the Chronicle about 85 percent of the hotel guests utilizing the program are likely eligible for reimbursement.
Read more at NEWSMAX.
Who’s district is San Francisco? Is it Nancy Pelosi???????????
No. Nancy and her millionare husband, Paul, live in an all exclusive gated WHITE community. What’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander. At least with elitist liberals, it’s that way.
This is true for many cities why is San Francisco being singled out ?
“why is San Francisco being singled out ?”
Because Newsmax is a Trump propaganda rag. This will save New York City taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Your property tax increase will be lower as a result.
Well in trump’s America we just had a 900 billion dollar stimulus programs with millions and billions going to foreign countries (remember Pakistan) so not sure if homeless in America are less deserving.
America’s homeless do deserve our support, but sending a little money to help oppressed women in Pakistan is a good thing. It was only $25 million to Pakistan, a small fraction of what NYC spends on homeless services.