In a series of tweets, Bill Gates says he plans to cancel most of his holiday plans and warned that that the United States “could be entering the worst part of the pandemic,” CNN reports.
Asserting that the Omicron variant is spreading faster than any virus in history, the billionaire and Microsoft co-founder said the big unknown remains how sick the Omicron variant can make you. “We need to take it seriously until we know more about it. Even if it’s only half as severe as Delta, it will be the worst surge we have seen so far because it’s so infectious,” Gates said. “Those few months could be bad, but I still believe if we take the right steps, the pandemic can be over in 2022.”
He may be correct in the Government Causing Issues/anxiety aspect.
In part thanks to fools like this one.
This elitist pig will stop at nothing to carry out his world depopulation plan. Why Matzav always censors that fact is beyond me.
1) Is the common cold (also a corona virus) more or less infectious?
2) Is influenza, any one variety, let alone all the varieties combined, more or less infectious?
3) How many people suffer from asthma? It also effects nasal passages and/or breathing, but are not as treatable and are almost always chronic. Most “survivors” of Covid, even the long-haulers, indeed survive. Asthma “sufferers” typically live with it their entire lives.
4) This is not the first time in history that “dictators” have tried to de-humanize their citizens/subjects/customers.
The best part of the plandemic is that Bill Gates Harasha was coronavirused a long time ago.
Read RFK Jr’s book that details how Gates and Fauci have teamed up for years, and what havoc this has caused.
Anti vax is an emotional disorder
What flavor Kool aid are you drinking today?