Black Woman Masquerading As Klu Klux Klan Member Terrorized Neighbors, Faces Charges

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ABlack woman is accused of masquerading as a member of the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize her neighbors.

Terresha Lucas, 30, is charged with eight counts of making terroristic threats, the Douglasville Police Department in Georgia announced in a news release posted on Facebook.

The “racially-charged” notes began to appear in the mailboxes of residents on Manning Drive, in a subdivision called Brookmont, in December, the police department said.

The notes claimed to be written by a member of the Ku Klux Klan and threatened to burn down homes and kill people, police said. The notes described the author as “a six-feet-tall white male with a long, red beard who did not live in the neighborhood,” police added.

Read more at Newsweek.



  1. Oh please. I was getting ready for some riots and therefore get myself a brand new TV set for free. Will we hear any comment from General Milley or Jen Psaki???

  2. Virtually every time we hear of these kinds of things, where the left’s boogeyman appears, it’s the left who did it. It’s proof that what they are afraid of doesn’t really exist, and they have to actually fabricate it, in order to make their lies true.


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