HATE IN NYC: Bochur Stabbed in Crown Heights on Friday Night

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On Friday night, a bochur suffered a stabbing in Crown Heights, an incident deemed a hate crime, taking place within 100 feet of Chabad’s 770 Headquarters.

The events unfolded as the attacker left the subway station and proceeded along Kingston Avenue towards Union Street. Upon encountering a group of bochurim, he started to harass and provoke them, shouting “free Palestine!” along with other anti-Semitic insults.

Initially, the group disregarded his taunts, but the perpetrator lingered nearby, seeking additional targets to antagonize.

After persistently harassing several other pedestrians, he approached and menaced another group, yelling, “Do you want to die?” Escalating his aggression, he brandished a knife, stabbing one bochur and attempting to stab a second person.

The assailant then tried to escape, with some bystanders immediately pursuing him, while others rushed back to 770 to alert the police present there and to contact Crown Heights Shmira and Hatzolah.

Responding swiftly, the NYPD and Shmira managed to apprehend him a few blocks from the scene. Authorities identified the attacker as 22-year-old Vincent Sumpter, from East New York, Brooklyn.

The victim was taken to the hospital in stable condition and is anticipated to make a full recovery.

The incident is being investigated by the NYPD Hate Crime Task Force.



  1. What are bachurim doing drezach arum at 2:00am on a Friday night? How can they get up on time for Shachris, Shabbos morning? Zman krias shma.

    • What a DESPICABLE COMMENT. YOU NEED TO DO TESHUVA big time. Nowhere in the article does it mention 2am, and if that info was taken from another article on the subject, maybe you forgot Shabbos doesn’t start until 8pm (if you keep Shabbos, at all). That means the average seuda probably didn’t end till about 12am. Add a little time to ‘fabrengn” or learn inside 770 and you’re easily still up at 2am. Not to mention that z’man kriyas shema is not until 9:34 am and shachris doesn’t begin in 770 until 10 am. So either you area tremendous am haaretz who doesn’t understand ” judge all men on the side of merit” or you are just a despicable human being who wishes to blame the victim, not the perpetrator.

  2. You can buy a taser and pepper spray on Amazon by sending it to your relatives or friends in a different state and having them ship it to you. It would be great if people opened self defense shops in Jewish neighborhoods.


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