BOONDOGGLE: $10 Billion Plan to Widen NJ Turnpike Receiving Major Pushback

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The proposed $10 Billion project to widen the New jersey Turnpike in between Interchange 14 and Jersey City leading up to the Holland Tunnel is receiving major pushback.

Residents and city leaders in Jersey City are strongly voicing their opposition, saying the proposed project will only increase traffic and worsen air quality. As studies have proven for decades, adding lanes to highways does not solve traffic congestion, due to the concept of induced demand.

The project does not include a widening of the Holland Tunnel, meaning after billions of dollars are spent widening the highway, commuters will still be stuck in a bottleneck trying to enter the narrow tunnel.

Nevertheless, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority is planning on moving forward with the project, conducting preliminary design work, and hoping to start construction in 2026. Of course, the construction will also increase congestion on the traffic choked artery, and will cost at least a projected $10 billion of taxpayer money.

Jersey City Council President Joyce Watterman slammed the project, saying: “The proposed Turnpike expansion raises significant concerns regarding its potential impact on our community…We must ensure that any development in our city is done with transparency and in the best interest of our residents,”

One resident said: “It’s bad economically, obviously, to spend $11 billion on a project that you don’t need. And then there is the opportunity cost. Because if we invest in public transportation, that will improve the lives not only in terms of people commuting, but that’s what builds economic growth.”



  1. “As studies have proven for decades, adding lanes to highways does not solve traffic congestion, due to the concept of induced demand.”

  2. It makes no sense. Most of that is elevated and winds through areas where they would have to take a lot of land from people and companies in order to accomplish this. Someone obviously wants their name on a project that will end up being a disaster. Come up with a better idea.


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