B’shaah Shehatzibbur Mispallelim: Live Minyan Info for Davening During Covid-19 Lockdown

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  1. Your allowed to answer Amein Kedusha and Borchu! this was verified by Reb chaim kanievsky, However I don’t think you can say the actual kaddish if there is no real Minyan present, In regards to Minyan Its not considered Davening with Minyan however its considered beshu shatzibur mispalilim

  2. The mechaber (there sif 9 – i.e. O.C 90:9) states that there is the (a) place (בית הכנסת) and (b) minyan. And if (b) is not possible one should still daven in the בית הכנסת, and likewise if (a) is not possible that one should still align (himself) to daven at the (same) time that the tzibur is davening — IMPLYING that this is (in some capacity) a fulfullment of (b) (minyan). However he doesn’t say to what extent. Is it enough to answer (saying Hashem’s name)? Is it enough to actually combine together to FORM a minyan. This is not clear, and thus can’t be assumed, or referenced as a clear source permitting.
    If Rav Chaim Kanievsky and/or Rav Yechezkel Roth have given a psak – then that of course is a source.
    However, can someone forward a link to that psak to see the wording of the Q and the psak.


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