BUMBLING BILL: De Blasio Calls Trump A Backstabbing Hypocrite

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Mayor Bill de Blasio said President Donald Trump “seems to enjoy stabbing his home town in the back,” after the president said he’s not interested in bailing out Democratic states like New York. Politico reports.

With New York’s economy clobbered by the coronavirus crisis, de Blasio has been pleading for a $7.4 billion bailout for the city, as Gov. Andrew Cuomo also pushes for more aid for New York State.

“The President of the United States — a former New Yorker who seems to enjoy stabbing his home town in the back — [is] talking about no bailout for New York,” de Blasio said at a press briefing. “What kind of human being sees the suffering here and decides that people in New York City don’t deserve help? What kind of person does that?” Politico



  1. Deblasio and Cuomo bankrupt their state, and then they start crying that the federal gov won’t throw some money at them. Even before this they already had a $6 billion deficit for the year. They want all the power, all the money, and none of the blame. It’s always trumps fault.

  2. DiBlabblio:
    You & Cuomo destroyed NY even before Trump ran.
    You 2 mobsters ran the economy of NY into dust.
    Everybody is leaving and running the heck out like bullets.
    To boot, your released criminals are wreaking havoc on the streets.
    Streets and subways are back to the Dinkins nightmare years.
    Just shut up.

  3. I bet that Trump has the kindest and most generous feelings towards New Yorkers. The hypocrites here are Cuomo and De Blasio. Neither has done a good job of managing their resources. Bailout due to damage by the pandemic is sensible. Bailout to compensate for the gross mismanagement of the NYS and NYC governments is foolish. Trump invited Cuomo to the WH, and did so willingly to work with him. But the Governor was not cooperative, and not pleased that Papa Trump won’t compensate for his ineptitude.

    Neither the mayor or governor has been menchlich with the WH on anything yet, and oppose him at every juncture. Neither should ever expect a favor. And Trump is not denying help to NY. He just has no way to send anything where it won’t be squandered. Trump is correct on this.

  4. Hey Wilhelm. Why don’t you be a real leader like President Trump and Mike Bloomberg and donate YOUR salary to help the downtrodden you’re harping about?
    How did your brilliant Presidential slogan, “Don the Con”, work out??? It really caught on and connected with the voters, right??? You’re such an idiot. Even when you stole the Mayorship from Bill Thompson, you didn’t even get 50% of the vote. You’re a dumb looking duffus who should not be stealing your salary from the taxpayers. Why don’t you go out and get a real job?

  5. why should New York or New Jersey be different than the rest of “52” (ask NoBama) states of the Great United States of America? President Trump should fund every state the same way or proportinately according to their population, but not one state yes and one state not.

    • He’s not singling out any states – please don’t fall for the malarky! What the president said was that he doesn’t want to bail out states that were already deeply in debt due to badly mismanaged finances. And by the way, this includes many other “blue” states as well.

  6. The anti-Semite DeBlasio who provided 1/2 million free meals only for Muslims during Ramada is calling President Trump a hypocrite.

  7. I’m no Trump supporter but you reap what you sow.

    The state of New York used their power to harass, harass and harass Trump over and over again until he left.

    What are they now thinking?That now he is just going to give them a blank check? So that they can go back to focusing on bringing lawsuits against him and making unfavorable laws to him?

    Which politician would deal differently?

    • Exactly. Beat someone up and then go and ask him for a handout. The chickens have come home to roost.

  8. The president didn’t say no bailout. He said that he only wants to reimburse for coronavirus expenses, and not for prior deficits that came from mismanaged finances. But this is typical of the Left-to lie and mislead.

  9. President Trump
    Don’t give these two bums a nickel.
    They are sick liberal democRATs.
    Most of New York other than religious Jews are democRATs.

  10. What a Chutzpa!

    Before Trump left NY De Blasio tweeted that he won’t be welcome back when finishes his term and now he complains about Trump not helping his home town?


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