BUMBLING BILL: De Blasio Says NYC Severing All Contracts with Trump Organization

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New York City will terminate its business relationship with President Trump, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this morning, the latest effort by the liberal left to hurt the president, whom they have hated since the day he entered the White House.

De Blasio told MSNBC’s Morning Joe that the city is pulling all of its contracts with the Trump Organization, which is made up of hundreds of businesses owned by Trump, a Queens native. “New York City has severed all ties with the Trump organization due to criminal activity,” said de Blasio.



  1. I thought that trump is not the head of the Trump organization.
    If that’s the case how can they terminate those contracts?
    Than answer is that the nutty deblasio Knows that the Trump organization will sue and they will win but in the midterm, he will get the attention he craves at the cost of the of city residents in the form of tax dollars.
    I wish we could get rid of this wacko.

  2. New York City taxpayers haven’t suffered enough. This Bolshevik Mayor wants to make sure that by the time he leaves office, the only “residents” left in the City will be his kind, homeless bums, hardened criminals, and welfare cheats. Good bye New York. I’ll have fond memories of years gone by.

  3. so he is prosecutor, jury and judge! pompous!! And who loses??? All the businesses supporting hundreds of people. Will he provide checks to them now in good socialist fashion?

  4. And what happened by the black lives matter protest. If Trump would do or say anything like that, which he did, people were upset at him. But now when the tables are turned this is accepted.


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