CAPTAIN CUOMO FINALLY WAKES UP – TOO LATE: Gov.: New York ‘Cannot Stay Closed Until the Vaccine Hits Critical Mass’

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pledged that New York will vaccinate millions and jumpstart its flagging economy in 2021 as part of his annual address to the state that began Monday, the AP reports.

The governor’s address — which will continue throughout the week — comes as the state tries to balance reopening its economy with ending a pandemic whose death toll is now nearing 40,000 people, according to data collected by the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, the AP adds.

The governor announced he’s launching a new public health corps that will bring aboard 1,000 fellows to help roll out vaccinations. He also pointed to a new state website launched Monday that allows New Yorkers to check their eligibility and find out where they can sign up for a vaccine.

“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo said.



  1. Yeh yeh. ONLY Shuls can spread Covid! Nothing else. The State is open for business, BUT NOT SHULS! It’s assur to enter a Shul or Yeshiva. If you do, your mamesh a rodef and a rotziach and it’s a chiyuv to be maaser on them. A person davening to the Aibishter in a mikdas miat is a Rasha mirusha, worse than Haman and Amaliak.

  2. Either someone hijacked his account or he fell and he hit his head and it knocked some sense into him, or Joe Biden is going to be inaugurated so New York State doesn’t have to be held hostage anymore.

  3. Apparently those who said the lockdown would be lifted right when Biden comes into office whether  Corona is still around or not were right after all.

    On another note Sunset Park, the neighborhood adjacent to Boro Park recently had a corona rate almost TWICE that of Boro Park Sukkos time.. So do other NYC neighborhoods. Of course they aren’t becoming  red zones and no one is slamming the “Asian community”

  4. Several million people stood for hours close together (Jan 6) no social distancing and without masks and none of them will ever vax. How come nobody knows of any sudden mass deaths? Is Cuomo’s plan to force vaccination or stay closed?


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