Thousands Overwhelm Dirshu Testing Sites at First of Ten Monthly Kinyan Sheviis Tests
The first of the ten monthly tests in the Dirshu Kinyan Sheviis program during this shemitta year was held this past Cheshvan… and the...
Historic Trip of Dirshu Delegation of Senior Gedolei Yisroel to Radin and Vilna
“What better eis ratzon, what more opportune time can we find to go to the Chofetz Chaim’s kever to daven? Now, we are on...
Thousands of Talmidim Hear Guidance from Senior Roshei Yeshiva at Dirshu’s Seder Hachana
Over 3,000 bachurim gathered at the Armanot Chen Hall in Bnei Brak at the end of the zeman to hear guidance from the Gedolei...
Watch: Bodycam Footage Shows Arrest Of George Floyd