CAUGHT: Palestinian Terrorists Arrested for Deadly Elad Terror Attack

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Israeli security forces have captured two suspects in connection with the deadly axe attack in Elad last week, according to a joint statement today by the Israel Police, Israel Defense Forces and Israel Security Agency.

As’ad Yousef As’ad al-Rifa’i, 19, and Subhi Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir, 20, from the Palestinian village of Rumana near Jenin, were captured in a forest near Elad following a 60-hour manhunt.

After an initial medical check, the terrorists were transferred to the Shin Bet for questioning.

One of the suspects, the report said, left a will declaring his intention to murder and die “for Al Aqsa.”

Security forces broadened the hunt for the terrorists over the weekend, with police saying on Saturday that special forces and “advanced technological means, including various aircraft,” had been brought in to assist.

“Police helicopters and operational multirotor drones are scanning and broadcasting in real-time from the ground to the joint command post set up by the police’s Central District,” said police. The aircraft and drones directed units on the ground to any suspicious figures detected, the statement added.

The victims of the Elad terror attack, Yonatan Chavakuk, 44, of Lod; Boaz Gol, 49, of Elad; and Oren Ben Yiftah, 35, of Lod, were laid to rest on Friday. Thousands attended the levayos. The three men leave behind 16 children between them. Hashem yikom domom.

Footage from the scene showed security forces shouting at the men in a forested area, then arresting them. In another video, al-Rifa’i is seen admitting to security forces that he committed the attack with Abu Shqeir.

“What did you do here?” an officer asks al-Rifa’i. “An attack… an attack in Elad,” al-Rifa’i responded. The officer then asked him what he did in the attack. “[We] hit people… [me and] my friend, Subhi,” al-Rifa’i said.

Speaking from the scene, Israel Police commissioner Kobi Shabtai hailed the arrests. “The hunt for the terrorists is over. The intense activity immediately after the incident and the flooding of the area with hundreds of policemen and soldiers, along with the means we used, forced them to hide in the area and led us to find them,” Shabtai said.

“We will continue to work to stop terrorism and strengthen the security and sense of security of the citizens of the State of Israel,” said IDF chief Aviv Kohavi.



  1. There used to be a fence protecting Elad but the pro-Arab anti-Israel self-appointed Supreme Court radical leftist judges removed it because they said it violated Arab human rights.

    • Castrate them so that they can never have offspring when the zionist chickens release them from prison.

  2. These subhuman primates should not be jailed or executed. They should be maimed to the point that every bit of life would be severe pain and suffering. Then they should be returned to their herds.

  3. Why not execute them? Now Israeli citizens will have to pay for their “stopover” in the revolving-door jail as well as give financial support to the terrorist families after their houses will be destroyed.

  4. בכלא גלבוע נערכים לקבלה של 2 סטודנטים חדשים ללימודים יוקרתיים על חשבוננו. סעודת מלכים מתבשלת ברגעים אלה ומכינים להם את המיטות בסוויטות של ראשי המחבלים. כדי לשמור על שקט הורה קצין המודיעין לאנשי השבבס להחליף את המסכים בתא בפלזמה 50 אינטש .
    ברוכים הבאים!

  5. These terrorists were hours before their deaths from thirst and hunger. such a pity they were taken from there. They shouldve been left there to die out.


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