CDC: 79% Of Omicron Cases Are In Vaccinated People

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Nearly 80% of the omicron variant cases in the United States are people who were fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC, reflecting data from Dec. 1-8, said that 34 of the 43 known cases, or 79%, were “fully vaccinated.” And one-third of the 34 cases were people who had received a third “booster” shot.

Only one of the omicron patients was hospitalized and no one died.

In Israel, where most of the population has received a booster shot, 54 of 67 omicron cases, 80%, were people who had received three COVID-19 shots.



  1. How is that relevant to the fact that you must get the covid-19 “vaccines” to line the pockets of the pharmaceuticals and politicians involved? Soon there will be a booster shot specifically for Omicron and you MUST get one. That will be the 4th shot to eradicate all forms of covid-19 even if it doesn’t so that means if you refuse the shots you are spreading covid-19 even if those getting the shots are spreading covid-19 as well and likely spreading “vaccine” created mutants.

  2. The CDC, reflecting data from Dec. 1-8, said that 34 of the 43 known cases, or 79%, were “fully vaccinated.” And one-third of the 34 cases were people who had received a third “booster” shot.

    So there’s only 43 known cases of omicron yet some governments controlled by the leftists want to take away more freedom from people.

    We need to fight back to get our freedoms back! Enough of these politicians deciding on a whim what they’re going to do. They claim it’s science but obviously science doesn’t go along with them.

  3. In the last month, what % of all new COVID patients have been vaccinated? Is there documented evidence that their vaccines reduced the severity at all?

  4. 79% [probably more] Of Omicron Cases Are Vaccinated People with the THIRD vaccine. The other 21% were vaccinated with the first two vaccines.


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