CDC: 85% Of COVID Patients ‘Always’ Or ‘Often’ Wore A Mask

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A study by the Centers for Disease Control indicates that Americans are adhering to mask mandates, but they don’t appear to have slowed or stopped the spread of the coronavirus.

And further, mask-wearing has negative effects.

In its survey of symptomatic COVID-19 patients, the CDC found that 70.6% reported “always” wearing a mask. An additional 14.4% say they “often” wear one, investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel reported.

Read more at World Net Daily.



  1. dont jump yet! studies as these need some peer reviews similar lehavdil to a posek writing a teshuva….
    and even if true doesnt mean that ” at the time” seemed to be right advice..
    one thing is for sure … the virus was /is ? highly contagious even if it doesnt reach the level of ” shechichi hezeika now that we have a better handle on it

  2. Two points: Masks don’t protect you much from others. They protect others from you.
    Tow. Perhaps you can elaborate on why masks are have negative effects, rather than just expressing it as dogma.

  3. Please read the actual study before you post something like this. This study from July comes to an entirely different conclusion, that dining out is associated with greater risk PRECISELY BECAUSE it’s impossible to wear the mask while eating, and this reporter distorted the conclusion. Click on the link to the original article. Then click on the reporter’s name. Then click on the word “study”, which links you to the study he’s referring to. Then read the entire thing.

      • I would like to know what the justification is for wearing a mask 24 hours a day/7 days a week would be. If you wear the mask in public and social distance your exposure is probably 30 – 45 minutes per day. If you’re in shul, 40 – 60 minutes per day, add 30 – 60 for a shiur. At worst, you’re wearing the mask for 2 to 2 1/2 hours and it isn’t continuous but broken up. Unlike the knuckle heads at CDC, a mask with an exhale valve is better, as the exhaled breath condenses and drops to the ground – unless you’re an ape, you don’t drag your knuckles along the ground and you aren’t lingering over any given area for 30 or 40 minutes.

  4. There you go! Didn’t we tell you that most patients are hospitalized because of their masks? Didn’t we tell you all along about the dangers of masks? Here it is from this report itself (for those who don’t click links):

    the study showed that usage of a face mask leads to:

    Increased rebreathing of expelled carbon dioxide
    Significant increase in respiration, increased respiratory rate, and hyperventilation
    Increased heart rate
    Increase in Co2 in the blood
    Hypoxemia, which is an abnormal decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood
    A hypercapnia, which is an increase in the pressure of Co2 in the blood
    General cognitive decline
    Greater difficulty in psychomotor tasks
    Changizi also noted masks increase the risk of injury by impairing sight downward.

    Neurologist: COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse
    Mask wearing causes permanent neurological damage, especially in the developing brains of children.

    “The rebreathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen depravation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.

    However, when you have chronic oxygen depravation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the undersupply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress.

    We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. If today you forget your phone number, the breakdown in your brain would have already started 20 or 30 years ago.

    While you’re thinking, that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.

    Read more here:

  5. Is this article verified, or is it slanted with an agenda? If it is true (not saying that it is not, just asking), then r”l it takes out of our hands one of the few things, that b’derech hatevah we CAN do to protect ourselves. If it not true, then it is a truly dangerous article.

  6. I’m not an advocate for masks, but this is misleading. The vast majority of people follow the CDC and wear masks. It makes sense that a majority of cases should be from the majority of people, even after considering masks.

  7. Masks are meant to protect others, not yourself. When entering a shul or store that requests one wear a mask, conforming or not conforming with the shul’s or store’s request may be a litmus test on the level of a person’s bain odom lachaveiro. Not wearing a mask protects others much more than it protects the wearer. The CDC is confirming what we have all known for a long time.

    • Chazal say differently. חייך קודמים לחיי חברך – your life takes precedence over his life. בבא מציעא ס”ב ע”א
      We’re not obligated to kill ourselves to protect others. Masks are harmful and they neither protect the wearer nor others – well proven.

  8. We need to do a better job of reporting information accurately.
    The CDC states at the end of this article that
    Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures.

    • Although many posters have proven that masks and social distancing don’t prevent anything nor does it slow down the spread of anything, if anything, it has been proven over and over again that masks can very dangerous and even deadly, neither you nor any poster here ever proven that masks and social distancing prevented anything or slowed the spread. It’s all in your head.

      The authorities in Israel allowed the Belzer Rebbe shlit”a to have his usual yearly huge crowd joining the prayers in his shul in Yerushalayim for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and Succos (with no social distancing, of course) but he had to sign a document stating that they’ll all wear masks. The Rebbe told him, “If you show me proof that masks prevent from the virus, I will sign it.” They never came back with proof and the chassidim never wore masks and b”H nobody got this “virus”. Gedolei Yisroel cannot be fooled.

  9. Trump wants it so. He also wants herd immunity.
    I thought Obama didnt care.. hence the spin obamacare.
    Now Trump really doesn’t care.
    Nikki haley 2020?

  10. To all those who believe there is a difference between spreading and catching Corona with a mask your severa doesn’t really make so much sense if it can get through a mask when you inhale why can’t it do the same when someone exhales

    • you realize their are other mucous membranes that are not covered? the eyes? its easier to stop the spread by preventing the spit droplets going everywhere by wearing a mask.

      • Glad you noticed. A pair of lab glasses cost a few cents, maybe 2$ retail, and last a long time. They are used in labs, i.e. where people handle all sort of toxic and corrosive liquids, and they don’t get hurt.
        However an important difference is that a person will not spread the virus via the eyes, unless they see an eye doctor. They won’t spread it via the eyes to someone in the supermarket. etc.

  11. Well more people wear masks than don’t in general. So theres your answer. Its like saying %100 of people who went to the hospital were human.


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