Neman, whose chain of 100-plus restaurants sells salads for $10 to $15 a pop, published a LinkedIn post Tuesday suggesting that obesity is the “root cause” of health problems — including severe coronavirus infections.
“[Seventy-eight percent] of hospitalizations due to COVID are Obese and Overweight people. Is there an underlying problem that perhaps we have not given enough attention to?” he wrote, appearing to cite March Centers for Disease Control and Prevention covid-19 hospitalization data.
Neman concluded that covid will be around for the foreseeable future and therefore people have to find a way to coexist with the virus.
“We cannot run away from it and no vaccine nor mask will save us (in full disclosure I am vaccinated and support others to get vaccinated),” the Georgetown University graduate wrote. “Our best bet is to learn how to best live with it and focus on overall health [vs.] preventing infection.”
Government officials, he added, should ban or tax unhealthy food.
“We clearly have no problem with government overreach on how we live our lives all in the name of ‘health,’” he wrote. “What if we made the food that is making us sick illegal? What if we taxed processed food and refined sugar to pay for the impact of the pandemic? What if we incentivized health?”
After his remarks were published, some commenters knocked Neman for fat-shaming people, Business Insider reported.
Read more at MSN.
Biased or not, Th man is 100% right!
This article makes no sense. Matzav must of edited and spliced this.
What is Donald Trump looking at? Africa?
Look around when you shop at attire, health and the worst. I never saw so many unhealthy people as I did in New York and I have such hope that we ever retain a nation. This world falls fast because the never interest in nutrition.
The truth doesn’t fit the totalitarian narrative, hence the socialist-fascist leaders and their useful idiots push useless petri-dish masks and the experimental gene treatment because “saving lives”, ignoring the fact that the biggest risk factor is being obese with hypertension, and that a fit person under 70 has a practically zero chance of dying from covid. If you really care about saving lives, start with getting rid of sugar, white flour, and potatoes in your house, and slowly build-up to a 6 hours a week of a rigorous physical exercise regimen.
He is not fat-shaming nor is he fat-phobic. If there is a phobia (fear) of fat it’s due to the consequences, vetted and published, regarding obesity. Obesity and stress are major health issues that go unaddressed in this country. We sit around and thumb our game boy instead of playing outside. We eat super-sized meals or pile on at the smorg. Who are we kidding, we’re killing ourselves.
I’m no supporter of being overweight and I encourage everyone to have a healthy lifestyle, but this person sounds extremely nasty, to use an understatement. Also, doesn’t he feel ridiculous in advocating further “junk food” regulation in a country where firearms are for sale?
This article is making me hungry. I think I’ll go wolf down an entire bag of potato chips.