Who remembers Gideon Bush, who was shot 40 times because he was mentally unstable in his own apartment (all by himself) in Boro Park and had a hammer. Apparently, they are all happy using deadly force against Jews, but are terrified of the actual violent criminals. The cops harass people , and they are incapable of stopping the violent crime.
Because Jews are easy prey, especially the Frumeh. We go like sheep to slaughter. We behave like good obedient cowards. Whatever government says, we put our head down in submission and do. Be contrite, take your flu shots and enter the cattle cars. Showers will be given upin arrival.
Yup. Joe Biden voters alright.
Where and when was this?
The cops should have knocked these thugs out
Treat a man like a human being. Treat a wild animal like a wild animal. These chayos need to be thaught discipline.
Who remembers Gideon Bush, who was shot 40 times because he was mentally unstable in his own apartment (all by himself) in Boro Park and had a hammer. Apparently, they are all happy using deadly force against Jews, but are terrified of the actual violent criminals. The cops harass people , and they are incapable of stopping the violent crime.
Because Jews are easy prey, especially the Frumeh. We go like sheep to slaughter. We behave like good obedient cowards. Whatever government says, we put our head down in submission and do. Be contrite, take your flu shots and enter the cattle cars. Showers will be given upin arrival.