Chareidi MK Asked To Donate A Kidney – and Doctors Found an Irregularity

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MK Moshe Arbel of Shas announced last night that he underwent treatments to remove an unusual substrate from his kidney, with a surprising story behind the discovery.

In the last month, Arbel began preparing to donate a kidney to a patient. As part of the preliminary tests performed, an abnormal growth was discovered in his kidneys.

Yesterday, Arbel underwent surgery, during which the growth was successfully removed.

The growth would have never been found had he not been undergoing the kidney donation process.

Arbel said: “The country of Israel is a powerhouse of kindness and the leader in the world in terms of kidney donations. The Ribono Shel Olam privileged me to join the amazing array of volunteers that actually led to the early discovery [of the growth] and my recovery. I thank the public for their interest in my well-being. I feel good and thank the doctors for their care.”

{ Israel}


  1. Please dominate your site 90%+ with stories like these by using such beautiful stories to replace those of tragedy and death but for the very most essential.


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