Chaya Spalter a”h

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chaya-spalterChaya Mushka Spalter of Los Angeles, California tragically passed away on Sunday. She was 11 years old and had been bravely battling a type of pediatric cancer.

A sister to 6 siblings, Chaya was loved for her kindness, sincerity and grace that were visible to family and friends alike. Challenged to face hardships at a young age, she was able to keep her spirits high.

As she carried on, the Jewish community in Los Angeles stood by her and her family’s side along the way. People brought meals, friends came to visit and many prayers and Mitzvos were done in her merit. Just today, as her medical condition worsened, a children’s rally was promptly organized.

Her parents are Rabbi Mendy Spalter, who directs Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles, and Mrs. Hadassa Spalter, who is the founder and director of Ohel Sara Seminary of Los Angeles.

3 months ago, Chaya was taken on a helicopter ride-along around the city with the Los Angeles Police Department.

“She wanted to fly over her school that she hasn’t been able to attend consistently because of her medical condition,” LAPD chaplain Shmueli Newman said. “I informed the school that we would be flying over them in 15 minutes.”

When the helicopter hovered over her school, Chaya discovered a touching tribute: All the students stood on the roof in the shape of a heart. “I will never forget the smile on Chaya’s face or the tears in the eyes of the pilot and the Tactical Flight Officer,” Newman said.

She is survived by her parents and siblings Geny, Chana’le, Dovi, Moishy, Sarah Rochel and Levi Yitzchak.

She is also survived by her grandparents R’ Shmuel and Mirel Spalter – North Miami Beach, FL and Rabbi Ezra Schochet and his wife Batsheva. She was predeceased by her grandmother Rebbetzin Sara Rochel Schochet.

Yehi zichrah boruch.




  1. B.D.E.

    THE tragedies continue. so when does teshuva start and continue? can anyone assist me? I just lost my beloved sister.

    may her precious soul rest in peace

  2. Chaya a”h never los her zest for life. Her smile was always on her face, and she was always the happy. May Hashem Yisborach send her family koach

  3. Thank you as always to MR Shlomo and Yisroel Zev Rechnitz for all their medical help and assistance during the entire 3 years Chaya was sick. Truly amazing individuals. Chaya is and will be missed by the thousands of people that attended the funeral as well as the thousands more who prayed on her behalf.

  4. Baruch Dayan Haemes. Can anyone who reads this page take a half hour of lashon harah free time for the duration of sefirah as an aliyah for her neshama?

  5. may the family be comforted and have only simchas. refrain from lashon hara and talking in shul would be a zechus for the Neshama.


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