Chedvas Bais Yaakov: Building Our Future Together! Join Our Campaign as Every Girl is ‘1 IN A MILLION’

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Since its inception, Chedvas Bais Yaakov High School in Lakewood, has established itself as a premier girls’ high school imparting a stellar chinuch habanos. 

Chedvas’s journey began when their esteemed menaheles, Mrs. Miriam Jaffe and the legendary Mrs. S. Murik, a”h, launched a girls’ high school renowned for its solid Torah hashkafos and tangible love for each student.

Today, six years later – while the times may have changed – the goals have remained the same. With Mrs. Jaffe at the helm, together with newly appointed principal, Mrs. Chani Steinfeld, Chedvas Bais Yaakov offers a chinuch of depth and breadth; inculcating in their talmidos the middos, work ethic, focus, and drive to develop into bnos Yisroel who are confident, competent, and passionate about their Yiddishkeit.

This summer, the urgent need for a new building arose. Chedvas embarked on their building project determined to do whatever it takes to ensure the growth and success of their students.

It was mission near-impossible:  Legal hurdles, financial hurdles, technical hurdles…. and taking out a loan of over $1,000,000.

BH, our beautifully renovated building was ready in time for our girls, and their learning reverberates through hallways and classrooms. 

But the payoff deadline is imminent!

Help Chedvas perserve the positive momentum! Your generosity today will impact generations to come.