Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Yosef: ‘Fallen Soldier Is At The Highest Level In Heaven’

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Today, hundreds gathered at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Yerushalayim to honor the memory of Sergeant Uriel Peretz Hy”d, a soldier in the Netzach Yehuda Battalion, who was killed in action in the Gaza Strip yesterday.

During the levayah, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel Rav Dovid Yosef remarked, “There is no need for a eulogy. We are paying our respects to a young man who was very involved in Torah and was very involved in defending the Jewish people and he was killed while sanctifying God’s name.”

He continued, “To live a long life and ultimately, to complete life in the right way, is a very difficult thing, but what a privilege it is to end life while being in the highest degree under the wings of the Divine Presence, to be near Hakadosh Boruch Hu.”

With tears in his eyes, Rav Yosef spoke of the deep pain felt by the family, “It is very difficult to console parents, family members, for a young man who did not have time to build a house, did not have time to start a family, who was killed by murderers whose only desire is to destroy us. It is very difficult to console, but I want to say, it is difficult for you, the longing, the thought that you did not get to see him standing under the chupah.”

He also offered words of comfort to the grieving family, saying, “But on the other hand, you should know that he is doing well. You are believing Jews, you are a family of righteous people, the whole family, and you believe in the words of Chazal who tell us that he is now at the highest level.”

{ Israel}


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