Coming Soon: Your Face Is, or Will Be, Your Boarding Pass

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If it’s been a year or more since you traveled, particularly internationally, you may notice something different at airports in the United States: More steps — from checking a bag to clearing customs — are being automated using biometrics, the NY Times reports.

Biometrics are unique individual traits, such as fingerprints, that can be used to automate and verify identity. They promise both more security and efficiency in moving travelers through an airport where, at steps from check-in to boarding, passengers are normally required to show government-issued photo identification.

In the travel hiatus caused by the pandemic, many airports, airlines, tech companies and government agencies like the Transportation Security Administration and United States Customs and Border Protection continued to invest in biometric advancements. The need for social distancing and contactless interactions only added to the urgency.

“The technologies have gotten much more sophisticated and the accuracy rate much higher,” said Robert Tappan, the managing director for the trade group International Biometrics + Identity Association, who called the impetus to ease crowds and reduce contact through these instruments “COVID-accelerated.” Read more at the NY Times.



  1. But yet, with all that technology, THEY STILL MAKE US TAKE OUR SHOES OFF AND THROW OUR WATER BOTTLES IN THE GARBAGE!!! They can clearly detect whether something electronic is hidden in our shoes and can tell whether the liquid in our 16oz bottle is water or not. Why must they continue to dehumanize us???


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