President Joe Biden again walked away from White House reporters asking him questions about thousands of Americans still stranded in Afghanistan on Monday.
The president delivered a speech at the White House about the coronavirus vaccine getting full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, urging everyone to get vaccinated.
He did not mention the crisis in Afghanistan once in his speech and left without taking questions.
“Do you know how many Americans are left in Afghanistan sir?” one reporter asked as Biden walked away.
He did not stop to respond to the question.
The Biden administration still can not put a number on the Americans stuck in the country.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said he was unwilling to go into detail, even as the administration promises they are getting more Americans out of the country.
When asked by reporters if he was being intentionally vague, Kirby replied, “I’m just going to leave it at several thousand.”
Read more at Breitbart.
our POTUS has the blood of all that were left in Tali Land on his hands..
Jen Psaki got all sanctimoniously angry when a reporter used the word “stranded”. According to the red head bitch, there is no crisis in Afghanistan and there is no crisis at our Southern border. Everything is running just smoothly and any problem you want to accuse President Biden about, is clearly Trump’s fault. The Biden/Harris administration is the best in our Nations history. Even better than Obama’s.
he never took questions during the campaign. neither did the other useless idiot Harris. Voters should have seen this coming that his behavior would be the norm. Still hate the Trump tweets? Foolish, foolish voters
There were no voters, or hardly any. Biden was “installed” by the leftist media and President Trump – who actually won all 50 State and is still POTUS – doesn’t mind because he can get his job, the draining of the swamp, done without disturbance of the left. For over 100 years many have tried getting rid of these evil coronas who’ve been a plague on humanity for hundreds of years. President Reagan wanted to but they threatened him. Many others before him, like President JFK, tried and was assassinated. If President Trump who has the courage and b”H siyatta Dishmaya will not get it done, who knows how many hundreds of years it’ll continue with these Corona elite criminals.