A conservative radio host in Nashville who derided vaccines and spread misinformation about the coronavirus has died of COVID-19. Phil Valentine was 61.
Though Valentine downplayed the efficacy of vaccines and even went so far as to record a parody song mocking them, he reversed his opinion while in the hospital, advising his family members to get the jab.
He had said of the vaccine, “I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?” He also said at the time that he had been taking the anti-parasite medication ivermectin, a drug that comes in different forms for animals and humans. The drug has recently been touted as a sort of COVID miracle cure by conservatives, despite no solid evidence it is effective against the virus and health officials sounding the alarm over people poisoning themselves with the animal version of the drug.
Valentine hosted a regular talk radio show on 99.7 WWTN-FM in Nashville. His station wrote in a statement, “We are saddened to report that our host and friend Phil Valentine has passed away. Please keep the Valentine family in your thoughts and prayers.”
He had been on the air since the 1990s.
His brother Mark, appearing on the same station late last month, pleaded with listeners to take the threat of COVID seriously, saying, “For those listening, I know if he were able to tell you this, he would tell you, ‘Go get vaccinated. Quit worrying about the politics. Quit worrying about all the conspiracy theories.’”
Read more at Daily Beast.
Sorry mainstream media, I’m not a sheep. I’ve read stories of “vaccinated” people who died as well. And vaccinated people make up 50% of those hospitalized in Israel and Ireland and I’m sure the rates are higher and undereported. The rate of those who died in the hospitals of covid despite taking these shots are not reported at all because they have an agenda to spread and it’s not about the truth.
You got the facts wrong. Vcinated people make up 96% of those hospitalized in Israel. Those who are hospitalized and not vcd are murdered there.
Thank you Matzav for sharing this.
Now please share that the various medical associations wrote recently that pregnant women, who haven’t yet been vaccinated, should get vaccinated.
Another example of circular reasoning by the faucists: misdiagnose deaths (including well known cases of Chicago shooting victims!) as covid on a massive scale, completely disregard absence of total deaths increase in the covid period versus pre-covid average, push completely non-effective at stopping covid but otherwise-dangerous “preventative” methods such as petri-dish-masks and unstudied RNA treatments. Given clear cases of Fauci admitting himself lying, given clear cases of covid data fudging, given clear cases of medical misdiagnoses at a scale that would make conspiracy theorists question their sanity — we cannot make any conclusions until we see the deceased’s medical history. A positive covid test means a possible exposure to the covid virus; it doesn’t mean that a stroke victim died of the covid virus. So, dear Faucists, if you want to convert us to your cause, show us the complete medical file of the deceased and present who and how determined covid as the cause of death. Until then, keep your pathetic emotional manipulation to yourself.
Apparently, one doesn’t have to believe that Covid is dangerous, or that it exists altogether, to die from it. Isn’t it strange how many people crossed into the next world from a hoax?
The same logic applies to all those who refuse vaccination because HCQ or Ivermectin will cure them, if they contract the virus, even if they trust those unproven remedies be’emuna sh’leima mamosh. The problem isn’t their personal belief, but that the virus doesn’t share it, and acts as a true apikores.
By the way, telling the hospital staff that you REALLY didn’t think that you could catch it, or that you REALLY thought that the vaccines were more dangerous than the illness itself isn’t going to change the outcome. Neither will invoking Dr. Z or a misinterpreted study out of Namibia. It may help to save your face, somewhat, but not your life.
You deceivingly make it sound like the only medical evidence of the efficacy of HCQ/Zinc and Ivermectin, not to mention monoclonal antibodies, are Dr. Z and a “misinterpreted study out of Namibia”.
Your lies are disgusting. If you want to express an opinion of how you believe beemunah sheleimah in the shots, you can do that. But don’t lie to people.
I’m vomiting from this disgusting article. “misinformation”. This term has gotten a new definition. It is whatever I tell you is information, anybody that I couldn’t explain it to and convince him, spreads misinformation. You are convincing me and all the undecided that you are a bully and will stop at nothing to force me to follow your dictatorial instincts.
Why were the capital riots labeled riots where nobody was killed, nothing was burned down, nobody was harassed, by the “PROTESTERS” whereas blm where people were killed, buildings burned, statues toppled, people were harassed, yet was labeled peaceful protests. You make me vomit with your abhorrent twisted mind!
ANYONE can die of covid if they are put in the hospital and killed there. I have seen that happen even recently. When the oxygen level starts going down, the person often needs a blood thinner, and/or augmentin and/or steroids and sometimes oxygen. IV C is especially helpful when taking steroids. GInger juice also helpful. These medications are often denied or overlooked. Something really suspicious happened in this case if he died. Keep in mind that the vaccines are failing across the world anyway and he was right they are causing paralysis and heart attacks.
Perhaps he was poisoned or sickened to make people think ivermectin doesn’t work. Maybe he didn’t even have corona at all.
Surely he was a big target for the reshaim to go after.
Or even if he had corona probably he wasn’t treated properly.
As you see in the set of 2 videos above, corona needs to be treated with a cocktail of treatments, not one stand-alone drug.
This is terrible. Trump should resign.
“he reversed his opinion while in the hospital, advising his family members to get the jab” Where is the proof of this? If you didn’t hear it from his mouth (he had no problem making his opinions clear) how can you put this out as fact? and “His brother Mark, appearing on the same station late last month, pleaded with listeners to take the threat of COVID seriously, saying, “For those listening, I know if he were able to tell you this, he would tell you, ‘Go get vaccinated. Quit worrying about the politics. Quit worrying about all the conspiracy theories.’” REALLY? this is journalism?? you should be embarrassed to even print garbage like this!!
I did very intensive investigations and research;
UNLESS… you combine it with the correct dosage of simple, common Zinc!
See for yourselves:
EVERY trial, study, test, research and instance you can find, which shows that HCQ failed, had/has either left out the simple but necessary Zinc, or began the study “Late stage”. (i.e. “Hospital setting.)
(In this article, again, they mention Ivermectin, but not the Zinc.)
On the flipside, i found a few studies (including peer-reviewed) that did include Zinc (and were conducted early-stage) and… Lo and behold! amazing success.
Anybody that disagrees with what i just wrote, can prove me wrong by either finding a single study that failed although including the right dosages of HCQ (or Ivermectin) AND Zinc, and begun within 5 days of symptoms. (or perhaps even 7 days.)
or alternatively:
Find a study where they did indeed do it all correctly, and it still failed.
Ranting and rambling and insulting comments are useless.
You can’t die from a non-existing political virus. He most likely tested positive in the hospital, and then was killed by a ventilator.
This for people that think they all by themselves without HASHEM will conquer covid
Any person who died in a hospital since 2020 was murdered, aka died from covid 19.