Coronavirus Has Mutated Into At Least 30 Different Strains, Chinese Study Finds

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The novel coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different genetic variations, according to a new study in China.

The results showed that medical officials have vastly underestimated the overall ability of the virus to mutate, in finding that different strains have affected different parts of the world, leading to potential difficulties in finding an overall cure.

The study found that some of the most aggressive strains of the virus were able to generate 270 times the viral load of the weakest strains; in addition, the aggressive strains killed the human cells fastest.

Read more at THE NY POST.



  1. Rabosai, this news comes from China. Maybe it’s true, maybe not. Keep in mind, they are trying to manipulate us and our thinking, for more than one reason. One big reason is that they face the largest law suit in the history of humankind.
    JPost reports that a woman in Eretz Yisroel who tested negative for Corona virus a few days earlier, died of Corona. JPost also reports that around 10,000 test kits from China were found defective. Rabosai, connect this two pieces of news and you get the picture. This woman was killed by the Chinese (גרמא) like the other close to 200,000. Had she not taken the phony Chinese test, she would have been treated for Corona infection, and maybe she would have made it.
    In short, don’t believe anything the Chinese are saying.

  2. Why bother with all this “study” if this coronavirus will be gone soon? After which people will go back to the regular flu, regular bronchitis, regular heart attack and regular accident.

    • It will not be gone soon.
      Are you the same person who used to write it will be gone by mid-April? If so, you should admit your mistake.

  3. Stop waiting for a miracle cure and take charge of your own health! Covid19 mainly affects people with heart disease, diabetes, obesity. Now is the time to boost your immune system by exercising, getting rid of the sugar and American fast food, and fortifying your body with immune boosters like vitamin c, d, zinc, etc. It’s a shame that all the CDC has to offer is purell and isolation. Hashem created us with a brilliant immune system that we have abused and neglected for years. Heal your body, Daven, and stop worrying.


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