Councilman Calls On Cuomo To Remove Mayor: ‘De Blasio Has Lost Control Of The City Of New York’

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City Councilman Eric Ulrich is calling on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to remove Mayor Bill de Blasio from office amid ongoing unrest. The Queens Republican told 1010 WINS Thursday that “Mayor de Blasio has lost control of the city of New York.”

“When people’s lives and their livelihoods are at stake, the mayor has just failed to bring the city together and get control of the situation,” he said.

Ulrich said his calls are following on Cuomo’s comments earlier this week in which the governor said the mayor could be “displaced” after widespread vandalism and looting in the city, particularly on Sunday and Monday nights. “The governor was the one who put this out there the other day,” Ulrich said. “We have a Public Officers Law, section 33, that’s very clear. The governor can remove a chief executive, a mayor, from any town, municipality in the state for just cause.”

1010 WINS



  1. Talking to Cuomo is waste of time. Like father like son. Governor Cuomo Senior did nothing to stop the Crown Heights riots against the Jews and Cuomo Junior will do nothing to stop the riots in all of New York.


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