Conservative commentator and vaccine doubter Alex Berenson has reportedly been permanently suspended from Twitter for violating the social media platform’s COVID-19 misinformation rules.
Berenson’s account was banned Saturday after “repeated violations” of the rules, a Twitter spokesperson told NBC News in a statement.
Berenson, a one-time New York Times reporter, addressed the suspension in a Saturday night post to his Substack page, blaming his removal from Twitter on a recent post where he was critical of the coronavirus vaccine.
“It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine,” the tweet read.
“Think of it — at best — as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS.”
Read more at NY Post.
this comment is not pro or con anyone. i just want information who is running this country? is it twitter (someone voted for twitter?), is it biden (it’s hard to believe that someone voted for him)? or is NO ONE running this country?
The media, mouthpiece of the Deep State is running the country. The media with the help of the Dominion Election Machine installed Biden who got as many votes as your cat. To be honest, President Trump is still POTUS but is currently finishing the most important matter of the century, i.e. the draining of the swamp, eradicating the corona criminals globally. He has to finish this job or almost finish it, otherwise it’ll drag on for another thousand years.
What happened to freedom of speech? I guess you idiots voted for DemocRATs and now our freedoms are dwindling. Goodbye Free America.
Alex Berensons posts have been purely scientific and the only one of its kind in the world of data.
His brilliant data analysis is definitely not appreciated by the anti scientific media community who wish to keep the facts and data hidden while propagating fear minus science for the uneducated public.
Sadly our Jewish media is doing the same; sharing a one sided view of the pandemic which must align with Democrat- style science.
We hope that while the non Jewish media keeps their audience in the dark, that news outlets such as matzav will allow true data to be shared.
Alex Berensons posts have been purely scientific and the only one of its kind in the world of data.
His brilliant data analysis is definitely not appreciated by the anti scientific media community who wish to keep the facts and data hidden while propagating fear minus science for the uneducated public.
Sadly our Jewish media is doing the same; sharing a one sided view of the pandemic which must align with Democrat- style science.
We hope that while the non Jewish media keeps their audience in the dark, that news outlets such as matzav will allow true data to be shared.
As far as the Freedom of Speech is concerned, it has been long established that this freedom doesn’t extend to shouting “Fire” in a crowded theater.
Berenson wasn’t banned because he personally opposes vaccination against Covid, but due to false and dangerous information contained in his narrative, when people are losing their lives during the current pandemic.
Lying in a public forum to influence others doesn’t amount to free speech. If you disagree with that, how do you feel about BDS movement doing the same thing?
Dear Marc 7:54, the ones “shouting fire” and the ones “lying in a public forum” are you and your fellow Faucists. You Medieval Dogmatic Faucists refuse to use verifiable data, and all you can do is to forbid critical thinking and try to silence the intelligent people. I sometimes wonder: is Fauci more like Chicken Little or more like Pinocchio? Lies like Pinocchio but screams “the sky is falling” like Chicken Little; decisions, decisions….
The media loves pointing out anytime someone who was concerned about injecting themselves with a dangerous vaccine dies. Such a group of deaths is a minority of a minority. They never point out any of the thousands that died AFTER taking all their vaccines and boosters.