CUOMO DOUBLES DOWN: Gov Refuses To Resign, Says He Did Nothing Wrong

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo maintained Tuesday that he “never touched anyone inappropriately,” pushing back on a bombshell official report that concluded he harassed several women in violation of state and federal law.

Speaking on video without reporters to ask questions, the governor was adamant in his denial, as he has been since the scandal erupted.

“I want you to know directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate… advances,” he told New Yorkers.

“That is just not who I am,” he continued. “And that’s not who I have ever been.”

“I welcome the opportunity for a full and fair review before a judge and a jury, because this just did not happen,” he further said.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. are all DemocRATS above the law???????/

    these victims should now sue him in criminal and civil court for BILLIONS of dollars

  2. We all know that New York’s attorney general Letitia James who led this ”investigation” plans on running against Cuomo for Governor in the next election. I wouldn’t believe anything she said in this report. It’s all political. (Cuomo is way more moderate than her if you are not sure who to vote for) If there is clear proof from an independent non-political report that Cuomo is guilty of the allegations, I’ll believe it. But until then, innocent until proven guilty.

  3. It won’t matter. Cuomo will run again and will win by a landslide. The Rino’s never put up a decent normal candidate.


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