New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has threatened to step in to prevent large weddings – particularly in Brooklyn’s Chasidish community if New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio fails to do so.
Cuomo – often thought of as “America’s governor,” due to his daily coronavirus update pressers from NY state capitol Albany – maintained that, “if the mayor is not doing any enforcement actions, then the state will,” according to a report in The New York Post and cited in The Times of Israel (TOI).
“We’ve had superspreader events in New Rochelle with the Jewish community, we’ve had them in the Catholic community. The virus does not discriminate by religious or racial lines, right? This is an equal-opportunity situation. So we police it in every circumstance.”
Cuomo’s comments came in the wake of Mayor De Blasio’s announcement that 16 new infections were uncovered last week in Borough Park, home to the city’s largest Chasidic population, with many of those connected to a large wedding.
Read more at i24NEWS.
Mr Cuomo – the are PROTESTS as BLACK HATS MATTERS………………………..do you have an issue with that???????
and these BLACK HATS don’t loot an burn any stores and businesses
You do not care for the life and health of your neighbors?
No. That’s incorrect. The Coronavirus was spread from an out-of-towner. Was that particular individual quarantined before the wedding? Did he fill out the proper paperwork or did he do shtick? B”H we don’t see any problems with Shuls, Yeshivos, Camps, Supermarkets, etc… This whole hulibaloo was started by a non New Yorker.
You need to post black lives matter signs outside wedding halls. Police would not dare rip them off. If they do just spread the video clip on social media and the cops will be fired as the rioters burn down more stores.
Police State measures outlawed by Common Law Peoples’ Assembly as people empowered to resist
In response to the increasingly repressive COVID regulations and the threat of mandatory vaccinations, a citizens’ Common Law Assembly on Canada’s west coast has passed a Bylaw that outlaws and nullifies all COVID restrictions, masking, distancing, medical testing and vaccinations. Anyone forcing these measures on the people of Parksville and Qualicum Beach can now face fines and imprisonment in a local Common Law Court.
Mr. Chaverhalolel, poster #1, the real issue here that police are afraid for their lives if they execute their duties and enforce the law. It will be met with success albeit angry people. THAT they care much about.
@chaverhakolel, That is EXACTLY why Cuomo, and other politicians, can start up with the BLACK HATS; he is not afraid that they will loot and burn stores!
picture is misleading – and is not a wedding not in america and pre covid
Time to put this murderer in jail, we all know how much he cares about our lives.