“All private sector employers in New York City will be covered by this vaccine mandate as of Dec. 27,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in an interview on MSNBC Monday. He said he wants to focus on “maximizing vaccination quickly so we can get ahead of omicron and all the other challenges we’re facing.”
The city has seen a post-Thanksgiving rise in Covid-19 infections in addition to its first few cases of the omicron variant. The cases so far appear to be unrelated, according to governor Kathy Hochul, but officials have warned people to assume there is already community spread.
“We have to assume community spread at this point,” de Blasio said. “Omicron is here.”
The city last week strengthened its recommendation for residents to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status and announced additional vaccine mandates on childcare workers and private school employees.
“Vaccine mandates are the one thing that really breaks through,” de Blasio said. “Let’s lean into it even more.”
(c) 2021, Bloomberg · Elaine Chen
Absurd!! This is wrong on so many levels!
This guy is way out of control.
He lets criminals, homeless people, gang members, lowlifes do what they want, take over the city, but gets tough on legitimate business people.
Shame on Warren Wilhelm.
And he wants to be governor? What happened to all the money that disappeared with Charlene De Blasio’s Thrive NYC scam? Lock them up!
We know what happened to the Czar around a century ago in Russia after he was deposed. It wasn’t pretty.
Give him a one-way ticket to confinement with his buddy in Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega.
No, inject him with some of these shots and voila! he’s gone….
He has no ability of enforcing this when he leaves office three days later. I’m guessing that the momzer is looking for lawsuits that will keep his name in the news for his governor run. And of course gain him the support of the “Your body MY choice” vaccination crowd
(Yes, I am vaccinated and think you should be too unless your doctor told you not to)
why do think we care if you are vaccinated?
Who does this guy think he is. He acts unilaterally and says “we”, talks about getting ahead of this thing as if he is in charge and controls the world. In addition I’m wondering why only those who work for a living are getting mandated, are there mandates for welfare recipients as well? And one more thing you baal gaava, whatever happened to those words “a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body, does that only apply if she wants to kill a baby?
Btw Mr Emporer, by the 27th, the holidays will have already passed, with the exception of New Year’s.
How is this legal in any way shape or form? Did the City Council approve of this? Was this voted on? How can the Mayor enforce this? Was is the penalty if my local shoe repair shop or dry cleaners don’t vaccinate?
Kol hakovid!!! I was nervous what was going to happen if coumo resigns so I’m very glad to see he’s continuing in the smart life saving policies.
Cuomo is gone and Deblabla will be gone in 3 weeks. So much for your heros.
I order De Blasio to stop with the mandate. I have the same legal authority about this that he does.