New York City will require employees at yeshivas, Catholic schools and other private schools to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, as part of the city’s latest push to expand vaccine mandates, the NY Times reports.
The new directive, which was announced today, is expected to affect roughly 930 schools and 56,000 employees, city officials said. They will have to show proof they received the first dose of a vaccine by Dec. 20.
“We’re doing everything in our power to protect our students and school staff, and a mandate for nonpublic school employees will help keep our school communities and youngest New Yorkers safe,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement.
Teachers and other employees at public schools were already required to get vaccinated, and more than 95 percent of the Department of Education’s employees have done so. Students are not required to be vaccinated, and the mayor has resisted setting a mandate for students, as some other American cities have.
Yeah keep listening to those who told you to vote democrat . I promise you no yeshiva will help the staff fight this. No one will spend money on lawsuits plus ADAMS is the same horrible leftists. So as long as Shumer the רשע and Adams were by the חג הגאולה in satmar all is good. Wake up and realize these “yidden” are selling us out for their own gain!!!!
The real lefists passionately hate Adams. And Adams has twice this week praised the Lubavicher Rebbe at Chabad Chanukah events.
Warren Wilhelm Jr., name later changed to De Blasio.
Czar is Russian, Kaiser is German, he is of German descent, so Kaiser is what it is.
Ah shoita gamur
whats that. and whats the difference bet. shota regular and shota gamur?
Great news! I can honestly say that this made me happy! Continue with the hishtadlus of saving lives!!! Please don’t back down an inch! If anything get much more tougher!!
But, then, your opinions tend to be the polar opposite of reality, so that would make sense.
They have to allow for religious and medical exemptions, though.
What kind of legal power does he have to enforce this latest edict? He’s got less than a month left in office. It will ultimately be up to Eric Adams to make that decision. I know that the City Council is thee most corrupt in the country, so they’ll clearly let Big Bird do whatever the hell he wants. Is there any bridge this bum has not burned behind him? I think the entire population of NYC hates him now for one reason or the other.
Cuomo put him on a stick and added a string.
This will save Jewish lives.
Would this be saving their lives by the harm the vaccines have been documented on VAERS to cause, or would that be because they would lose the natural immunity they likely already have, by having that replaced by admittedly ineffective vaccine immunity that promises only to lessen symptoms but not eliminate them and also not eliminate transmissibility?
Or both?
Are you Jewish?
Watch out! He will end up where Cuomo did.. for starting up with Yeshivas and Tinokos Shel Bais Rabon..
All esteemed machers who put this mayor in office, helped reelect him, and posed with him in photo ops, take note.
De Blasio is a gitteh neshumeh.