CZAR HOCHUL: Mask Revolt Spurs NY Governor To Have State Enforce New Business Mandate

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Faced with a revolt from county leaders in a majority of the state — including Long Island — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday reversed course and said state inspectors will conduct “spot checks” to enforce mandatory mask-wearing, the NY Post reports.

The announcement reversed previous statements in which Hochul said local governments would be solely responsible for carrying out the controversial, statewide mask mandate she imposed on the private sector — including private offices — last week.

It also came after officials in nearly two-thirds of the counties outside New York City refused to enforce the mandate — which carries fines of up to $1,000 per violation — because they don’t have the resources to force companies to comply.

“We’ve always said we’re going to leave it up to the counties and we’re going to be making sure that it gets done from the counties but we also want to lend support to them as well,” Hochul told reporters during a news conference in upstate Johnson City, outside Binghamton.

Hochul said the state will “be sending around inspectors to do spot checks to see what’s going on.” Read more at the NY Post.



  1. The people who don’t want mask mandates are pro-death. We have been seeing record numbers of cases and this is the time we need to be inconvienced in order to save lives! 🙁

    • Do you know that last year hundreds were hospitalized from bacterial pneumonia from constantly wearing masks and many then died.

      Even Fauci came to that conclusion on his now conveniently ‘forgotten’ study of the 1918 Spanish flu and discovered that most victims of the Spanish flu didn’t die from the Spanish flu, they died from bacterial pneumonia caused by wearing masks and the others from the experimental vaccine.

      Charles, if you’re still alive, I don’t believe you took the real shots #3 and wore masks all the time. You’re a hypocrite.

    • What do you care whether someone else wears a disposable mask or not. YOU stay home with your mask on and you’ll be guaranteed to live forever. Stop worrying about everyone else, you selfish narcissistic


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