DAVEN TOGETHER, B’shaah Shehatzibbur Mispallelim: Coordinate Minyanim Times and Join via Teleconference

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The Gemara in Brachos tells us that even if one cannot daven with a minyan in person, it is still an עת רצון to daven at the same time that a צבור is davening.

As per a conversation of Rabbi Chesky Klugman of Lakewood with Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, this Gemara also applies to 10 יחידים davening together via teleconference, and the rosh yeshiva encouraged that this be implemented in these trying times. Shuls can continue their regular minyanim times and coordinate via teleconference. One designated chazzan can lead from Pesukei Dezimrah or Birchos Krias Shema so that a minyan can start Shemoneh Esrei together. (They can also continue after a set amount of time with Ashrei, Tehillim, divrei chizuk, etc.)

“I have already reached out to a few rabbonim who liked the idea,” related Rabbi Klugman, “so please spread the word לתועלת הרבים so that other shuls can also put this into action. This will also help keep communities together and retain structure to the day. May this crisis pass quickly so we can open the doors of our מקדשי מעט very soon again.”



  1. Of course., NO kaddish, or chazaras hashatz, and NO kedusha!

    This should have been spelled out so people shouldn’t make a mistake

  2. Thank you for your article regarding Tefilla B’Tzibbur
    I do believe that Borchu Kaddish and Chazaras HaShatz should not be said.
    There are Gedarim for what qualifies for a Minyan in order to say a Davar Shbikedusah.
    Is there a Psak from R Schmuel Kamenetzky otherwise?

    • Correct. The Psak from Harav Shmuel was that it has the advantage of B’shah S’hatzibbur Mispalilin (as stated in the article), but Harav Shmuel said it is still NOT a minyan as far as saying any Davar Shbikdusha such as Barchu, Kaddish and Chazaras Hashatz. That said as Harav Shmuel stated it is still an arrangement that harnesses the unique power and Eis Ratzon of a Shah S’hatzibbur Mispalilin.

  3. We need one person to set up teleconference

    And a chazzan

    That’s all.

    Let’s daven shacharis at 730 tomorrow
    What do you think?


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