The number of hospital admissions across the city spiked to 84 Friday, a day after just 48 were recorded, according to Mayor de Blasio. But it’s unclear whether the startling increase is related to the mass protests and spread of coronavirus, the mayor said.
“That’s a meaningful movement in one day. We’re going to keep a close eye on that,” said de Blasio. “We do not see evidence that it’s related to everything that happened over the last few weeks because of the time it takes for the disease to manifest.”
The mayor said it would take a week to 10 days to see any manifestation of the coronavirus.
The city has been the scene of numerous crowded protest gatherings in the wake of George Floyd’s police-involved death in Minneapolis.
Aha. It’s only Orthodox Jews who attend a funeral, that cause Corona and death. Rioters and looters don’t. What an anti semite idiot.
How can anyone support this dope
Because both his general election opponents were worse, as is the guy who would replace him were he to be forced from office.
Also because there has never been a mayor more responsive to orthodox Jewish leaders, both in policy and in financial matters.
So can DeBlasio repeat what Bloomberg did and take a 3rd term? He is the best and brightest that’s out there. We need him to stay.
Now it’s back to taking a week or more to take hold. That wasn’t his tune a free weeks ago.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported an incubation period for COVID-19 between 2 and 10 days.
So if the riots have been going on daily since May 25, it couldn’t possibly be related to the spike of coronavirus related hospitalizations, could it? Especially if saying that it does will force someone to take action to slow the BLM protest movement perfectly timed to unseat Trump this coming November. Time is running short for the socialists/anarchists.
So. He says it takes a week to 10 days for the virus to manifest itself.
Then slightly contributes to the protests in NYC. But doesn’t see a connection even though the protests started 13 days ago.
Hhmmm. Is this our mayor we are suppose to look up to, be proud of ??? Simple math (mr. mayor only 10 fingers…) tells you it’s absolutely possible…
is it definitely hhmm idk but very likely. Perhaps the Yad Hashem (no pun intended lehavdil) plays it’s part in all those looters etc.
האט בטחון זייט מתפלל זאגט א קאפיטל תהילים, דער איובעשטער פירט דעם וועלט.
what do you expect from a man who is proud of the daughter who violates federal, state and city laws, who destroys other peoples businesses, encourages people to steal–oops, excuse me–loot stores? i venture to guess that most black families do not want their children to end up like floyd or like this privileged spoiled brat
What really is Covid 19? https://youtu.be/k-b5UL1Z3dI