De Blasio Says Trump Should Call For Military Action On Coronavirus

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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called on President Trump to mobilize the U.S. military to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.

“The order has not been given by the commander-in-chief because he’s not acting like a commander-in-chief,” De Blasio said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Friday. “He doesn’t know how, and he should get […] out of the way and let the military do its job.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Moron.just an angle to bash trump.should trump send in the air force too ????just when the country needs unity this fool dopens his mouth to perpetuate divisiveness. He already had his chance to run for president and the people explained to him what they think of his when he is not on the front line he is giving free stupid different than peanut Carter. Let him correct the problems in his own city before teach the potus what to do .doesnt he know that the president is probally in conferences day and night over this ????doing this doesnt help the president do his job.even Pelosi is quiet the last 8 hours

  2. President Trump is doing the RIGHT thing for ALL Americans. You Blah Blah are looking for anything to blast the American President because he’s a Republican. You’re doing the wrong way

  3. Well, maybe the president should order the army to get rid of this moron form being the awful mayor that he is.

  4. But yet this moron Mayor continues to jeopardize the live’s of his minority City employees by making them go out during this plague and issue parking tickets for expired meters. I saw it with my own eyes this morning on Avenue J. What an evil wicked dangerous racist hypocrite.

  5. He should use the army to kick out all the illegal aliens you brought in That are probably helping in to perpetuate the virus

  6. Seems rather self-evident that as soon the first military person sets foot anywhere on state soil then these same guys will scream military dictatorship and impeach.


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