Death Row Killer Confessed to Second Murder Before Execution

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A Mississippi man on death row for killing his wife and assaulting his stepdaughter confessed to a second murder in a letter to his attorneys just before he was executed.

David Neal Cox claims to have also killed his sister-in-law Felicia Cox, who has been missing since 2007. According to District Attorney John Weddle, Cox gave chilling details of both the murder and where Cox’s body can be found in Pontotoc Country.

Cox shot his wife in 2010 and assaulted his 12-year-old stepdaughter in front of her as she lay dying, all while family members pleaded with him by phone to release the children. He gave up his right to appeal and called himself “worthy of death” before his execution. Read more at WTVA.



  1. It is NOT…..just plain sick.
    Annon: you need matzav to report stories to ‘prove’ this to you.
    Should not have posted this junk….and to post his picture????


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