Fox News contributor Steve Hilton discusses President Trump’s criticism of Democrats’ response to the California wildfires and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to ‘Trump-proof’ the state.
Fox News contributor Steve Hilton discusses President Trump’s criticism of Democrats’ response to the California wildfires and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to ‘Trump-proof’ the state.
Newsom is such a twit, that he is even dumber than AOC. He does not represent the hard working taxpayers of California. He’s too busy with personal vendettas.
Governor Gavin Christopher Newsom, Yimach Shemo V’Zichro, is an exceedingly wicked guy, especially as he is a rabid promoter of Toeiva. In a special California election on March 7, 2000, by a large majority, the voters approved Proposition 22, which declared that marriage is only between a man and a woman. However, on January 3, 2004, Newsom became Mayor of San Francisco, and soon after that, in February, in deliberate opposition to both national law and the recently enacted State Proposition 22, he directed the city clerks to give marriage licenses for Toeiva relationships. Then, starting on February 12 in even more blatant public flaunting of national law and State Prop 22, right at the front of the city hall,* he preformed OVER FOUR THOUSAND Toeiva (so-called) “weddings” up until March 11, when the Supreme Court of the state ordered it to stop. San Francisco thus became the first city in the country to have Toeiva (so-called) “marriage.” Of course, all this was heavily blasted in the media and sharply propelled the issue into national attention.
* NOTE: San Francisco’s city hall is certainly one of the most beautiful landmarks of the world famous city and is also probably one of the most beautiful city hall in the entire world. The design of its architecture is actually a bit similar to the architecture of the iconic world landmark of the super famous Buckingham Palace in London, England. The main difference between them is that the San Francisco structure also has a large ornate dome, which reaches FORTY-TWO FEET HIGHER than the dome of the United States Capitol in Washington, DC!! A picture of it and the beautiful plaza in front of it is at the entry for “San Francisco City Hall” in the website of the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (an org site).
So that, starting in 2004 up through the present time, this beautiful, iconic landmark has often been utilized for such extreme of extreme evil, is certainly exceedingly tragic.