A deputy fire marshal in Ocean County, NJ has revealed his true colors of anti-Semitism in comments made on Facebook.
Using profanity, John Pasola wrote that residents of Lakewood, NJ think “they are above the law,” and asks the National Guard to be deployed to “take action because no one else is.”
Commenting on a boardwalk in a neighboring New Jersey municipality, the foul-mouthed Pasola writes that he hopes the boardwalk will be closed all summer to “keep the trash and dirty ones from Lakewood out.”
The racist deputy fire marshall had previously posted a picture of Orthodox Jews legally driving around and playing music to cheer people up, asking Governor Phil Murphy to “fix this problem.”
Pasola has been an assistant fire marshal with Ocean County for over 17 years, but hopefully, after his latest rant, his last day has come.
“A race-bating anti-Semite like Pasola has no business continuing in his position and should immediately be terminated without pay,” a long-time resident of Ocean County told Matzav.com.
Pasola is a son of Mr. Jack Pasola, a noted civic servant who served the Point Pleasant Beach Community for several decades.
“John has brought embarrassment upon his own family and those who know him,” remarked a community activist on condition of anonymity. “He must be made an example, teaching racists that their hatred won’t be tolerated and they will pay a price.”
But yet if this racist bum were to do die in a fire the askanim would raise money for his family. Go figure.
Yiddelach! This is all a distraction! I guess I’m guilty myself..by the fact that I’m reading these posts…who cares what they say? Haven’t we already learned that NOTHING is in our control besides our avoda!
May the anti-semite get it and die. Then he won’t have to worry about going to the beach. He’ll get his tan from the fires of gehinom.