Despite Rumors To The Contrary, Gerer Wedding To Take Place At RCC As Planned

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As we have reported, the historic wedding in the court of Ger had been scheduled to take place at the Bell Works arena in New Jersey, but had been moved to Rockland Community College due to logistical reasons.

Thursday, an article in a Hudson Valley area website reported that the college was cancelling large events due to a spike in covid cases from the Delta variant. They cited officials from the area who made this recommendation.

However, organizers of the massive event were quick to clear this up. “The chasunah will, be’ezras Hashem, take place at RCC. Most of the permits are in hand, and the remainder are in the process of being granted,” he said.

“The entire community is invited to participate in the Simcha,” he added with a smile.


  1. Wow. Thanx for keeping us posted with the latest up to the minute reporting. The drama is only building. Everyone has stopped their daily living schedules and is glued to for the constant updates. Whoow! I’ll need a vacation when all this excitement build up is over.

  2. Why the bitterness. Cant we keep our acerbic comments to ourselves and stay positive. Mazal tov to all Gerer Chasidim of the Rebbe. Mzal Tov. Period.

  3. Once again missing the all important disclaimer tagline: “COMMUNICATED CONTENT” which is the cue to keep on scrolling. I wonder how much more Ger has to pay so that it doesn’t have the tagline.
    But seriously, what is Ger gaining with this media blitz of denial claiming the the RCC venue is still on? עס איז דאך א מילתא דעבידא לגלויי?


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